Between the Lines – This is my guest blog for the series and you can click on the Katherine’s Corner graphic ===> to check out the rest of the other bloggers.
Just when I thought I knew a large number of female bloggers, I was introduced to a whole new group! Katherine, from Katherine’ invited me to be a part of a blog series written by some f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s women over 50. Age is just a number, but as we get older, not only do we get wiser, but we are more confident to offer our thoughts that come from years of experience. The best part is that everyone is unique and every woman has a fresh perspective on the world.
I was thrilled to participate with over 80 other women over the age of 50 – what an amazingly large and inspiring group!
Katherine asked us to write about why we started our blogs and why we continue! She also asked each of us two questions and every one of the questions was very different from the other. Here are mine.

I created my blog Adventures of EmptyNesters in January 2014.
What is life without adventure? Now that our children Alexandra, 28 and Nick, 23 are grown and happily living on their own, it was time to focus on our dreams and desires! My goal was to help bring together a global community of people who don’t plan to spend this valuable time in life sitting on the couch, but to thoroughly embrace it!
I write about travel, lifestyle, family and most recently our newest adventure; leaving a lovely beach community after 27 years and moving inland, closer to our ailing parents and extended families. We completely downsized and purchased a 1937 Spanish Colonial home in Pasadena, CA . This 6 month, 10 month renovation is almost complete and we couldn’t be happier. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and will move in on June 23rd.
When I started the blog I had no idea what I was doing, where I was going with it and what the future would be. After two years, I have met so many new supportive friends, it has turned in to a real business and slowly but surely amazing opportunities have crossed my path. I have enjoyed things like filming an infomercial, writing for a luxury travel magazine, writing for the Huffington Post, been an invited guest at several amazing destinations and most recently guest blogging for The Container Store as part of their nationwide travel sale.

At 54, it is exhilarating to be part of an industry where I am constantly learning something new, as well as improving my skills, while I expand my world. I am investigating career possibilities that I never would have dreamed of considering.
I believe that each of these other amazing over 50 bloggers writes their blog to help support the lives of anyone who may be experiencing the same challenges. Our kids are grown and we are now allowed to turn the focus upon ourselves. No longer tethered to our children’s schedules, we have the time to dream and attempt new adventures.
Why the heck not? Why not try something new, plan a trip to some exotic location, start a new hobby, improve your health, or get back to something you have long since abandoned.
I find that women seem to fall in to two categories, those that want to embrace this time in life and those who don’t seem to think they are worthy. They are too “old” and too uncomfortable with change. Those are their descriptions not mine and are so not what is happening now in 2016. Women are stronger than ever, and midlife is the prime of life. Don’t you think?
When you were a child, do you remember looking at your grandma, who was probably around 60 years old, but looked 80? Those days are over and age really is a number. 60 is the new 30 these days. I am not suggesting that we look 30 when we are 60, but we sure can have the energy, vitality and vibrancy that we had when we were that age.
What I know for sure is that there is room for every one of these lady bloggers and more in the blogging world. No two blogs are the same as no two women are the same. How awesome is that? It may take some digging, but you can find what you are looking for, what interests you, what you relate to, it is all available to you in the vast world of blogging.
This writing series began in April and finishes this month. I hope you will check out all of the 88 bloggers and their blogs, I am certain you will be entertained and will most likely find a kindred spirit.
Thank you to Katherine from Katherine’s Corner for your organizational skills to put this together. I hope you will check out all of the other prior weeks.
Wonderful post my friend, thank you for participating in the Between the Lines blog series xo
It’s so nice to meet you, Suzanne through Between the Lines!!
It’s true no two of us are the same—and I think blogging is the perfect way for us older women to have a voice!!
Jodie: Nice to meet you too!Love finding new friends like you!
Hi Suzanne, It’s so comforting to connect with my tribe, online. We’re all energetic and making life count in this next chapter. Brava to you and all you’ve accomplished! I look forward to getting to know you. Brenda
Brenda – I feel the same way. I am going to take some time this week to take a look at all of the other blogs. You and I already follow each other on Instagram 🙂
Hi Suzanne! I found you through the Between the Lines Series. I’ve been so excited to meet other bloggers my own age … we are all an amazing bunch of women who are just getting started!
Hi Carla! So nice to meet you. This is the very best time in life.
This has been fun meeting other motivated midlife women who love to write! I think I am up next week! You are so right about age being a number. So different from our parents’ and grandparents’ experiences.
Hi Terri- So nice to meet you! Blogging has opened up a whole new world for me and for you!
You had me at the photo of that sunset! Now I want to go on vacation again, and why not somewhere exotic. Lovely blog, and lovely to meet you.
Hi Sheila: Thank you for visiting the blog and for reading! So nice to meet you too!
Hi, Suzanne! What a treat to read this post! The Between the Lines series has been such a wonderful way to connect with other women who are in the same or similar season of life, and yet so very different from each other. I have been looking around your blog and am looking forward to reading more of your work and following your journey. As a fellow empty nester (between college breaks, anyway 🙂 ), I am all about the new adventures and experiences!
Oh Wendy, how nice of you! I have really enjoyed participating in Between the Lines especially when I get to meet women like you! I hope we stay in touch.
Nice to meet you through Between the Lines. My husband and I are thoroughly enjoying the empty nest years ourselves and travel at least 4 times a year. I write my travel posts on Wednesdays. I enjoyed reading what you had to say about this time of life, and I couldn’t agree more! Following on Instagram.
Thank you Amy! It is great to meet you and find more friends with everything in common! If you ever wanted to be a Guest Adventurer on the blog let me know. You could write about your travels or something else about The Empty Nest
Love the post! Agree it’s just a number and I love embracing this next chapter of my life. I never would have thought how easy it would be to let go of my identity wrapped up in mothering but I have and it feels great. Love the kids, but glad to have my energy back for me and for playing in ways that I now choose!
Its amazing how fun empty nesting is once you embrace it!
Hi Suzanne! I enjoyed reading about your blogging experience–you have had so many successes in such a short time–congrats 🙂
Diana: Thank you so much! I really enjoying meeting my fellow bloggers. I look forward to connecting more often.
Hi Suzanne, nice to meet you! I love learning about other fellow empty nesting women who are embracing this new phase in life and following new adventures. Looking forward to following you on IG and Pinterest!
Thank you Marie! So nice to meet you too.
Hi Suzanne, I’m stopping by as one of your fellow “Between the Lines” bloggers! So nice to meet you and learn about you and your blog. I’m with you, we need to embrace this time in our life and live it to the fullest. I’m looking forward to the day my husband retires and we can hit the road to new places! Teresa
Nice to meet you Teresa! I look forward to connecting a great deal more! Have a great weekend.
It’s so great meeting other bloggers that are all in our age range. My husband and I just downsized three years ago and even though we’re retired, we’re currently staying around our area. My husband is a home body, but I manage to get out and travel as much as I can, plus I can’t complain because we did spend 8 winters in Florida. Enjoy your empty nest and do things while you can!
Hi Carol: Thank you for stopping by! It is fun to hear about other empty nesters who have downsized. I look forward to enjoying your blog.