Digital News: Stories we found on the web
An online newspaper is the online version of a newspaper, usually they look very similar to the paper ones and offer the same stories. Many of us receive news from sources other than a newspaper like from blogs, newsletters, periodicals and videos.
Craig and I receive updates and articles sent directly into our email inbox so we can read them when we have a minute. On Saturdays we sit with our laptops and share what we each have found that the other may not. It’s like getting the news two for one! Here are just a few stories I found particularly interesting this week.
I have not published one of these digital news posts in weeks due to our travel schedules and the excessive unpacking from our move!

From the NY Times and Pete Wells:
At In Situ, in San Francisco: Originality in Careful Copies
By avoiding originality, In Situ is the most original new restaurant in the country. The restaurant opened a month ago inside the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, in a space off the lobby that was built during the museum’s transformative recent expansion. Inside, the chef, Corey Lee, faithfully replicates dishes dreamed up by Sean Brock, Alice Waters and other innovators. None of the recipes are his own.
We did not schedule a meal there on our recent trip to SFMOMA, but you can be sure we will the next time!

Photographing People: Getting the shot
Thanks for including my post about Italian washcloths on this interesting list!
My pleasure Irene – I loved your post, it was super interesting and clever.