A travel tip for you!
I recently returned from the trip of a lifetime in Iceland. The time difference is eight hours and on my return trip I had to fly from Reykjavík to Seattle, go through customs, layover 2 1/2 hours and then fly home to Los Angeles. I was definitely tired. So happy for the experience but travel can be exhausting, everyone knows this. But mistakes can happen.
This is what happened
I had purchased a couple of fun gifts for myself and for my family while in Iceland. They were in a bag which I tucked under the seat in front of me but one seat over. I was seated in the bulkhead and there wasn’t a place directly in front of me.
Flight was fine, no issues, it was 9:30pm, I was anxious to get home and go to sleep. In my sleepy fog, I gathered my things and left the plane. As I was going down the escalator headed to baggage claim I realized the bag with the gifts was still under the seat. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed and kind of cranky.
All kinds of thoughts went swirling through my tired, jet-lagged brain. I knew that I could not go back through security to the gate and really had no idea how I would retrieve my package.
As I waited at the bag carousel, I called Alaska Airlines. I shared my dilemma with the agent not really thinking she could do anything. She suggested I go to the Alaska Baggage office and see what they could do.
The Baggage Claim Agent used her walkie-talkie to call to the Gate Agent. She explained what I was looking for and had the exact seat location. We waited about three minutes and the Gate Agent said, “Does it say Iceland on the bag?” Yes!!!
The Gate Agent then walked it down to me in baggage claim. A happy ending and well done Alaska! Thank you!
Did you know that you could connect with the plane like this? I fly all the time and never knew this was possible. Very impressive. I wanted to pass this on to you, because you never know what might happen on your next flight.
Have you experienced something like this? Did you discover a travel tip the hard way?
Come back soon for my first post about our Insane Iceland Trip!
Other Travel Stories:
Travel Mishaps and How I Handled it
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The most memorable was a trip when my daughter was 3 years old, and we accidentally left her “baby” (a very important and constant companion to her) in the seat. We were at baggage claim, and we saw Alexandra’s face light up as the flight attendant approached us with “baby”. It was a super sweet thing to do for us. This was pre 9/11.
I love a happy ending!
Great tip! So glad you got your goodies! I can’t wait to see what you brought me! xoxo Suzy
So happy that you retrieved your gifts.
Thank you!