Two Generations, One Music Festival: Outside Lands

Outside Lands
Two Generations Enjoying Outside Lands in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco~ Craig, 55 – Suzanne, 54 – Clint (our nephew) 21, – Alexandra (our daughter) 27- Nick (our son) 22- Alec (our son’s best friend) 22


Outside Lands reigns supreme in my new world of music festivals. A three day, thoroughly engaging, eclectic, excessively HUGE, outstanding music festival for all ages. Who knew that two people in their mid-fifties could mix and mingle successfully with the hipsters, hippies and young music lovers in their 20’s and 30’s? Designed to showcase over 100 bands and offer headliners like Elton John, Mumford & Sons, The Black Keys, Sam Smith and even Billy Idol. I expected to like it, but I honestly loved every morsel.

Elton John - Still fabulous
Elton John – Still fabulous

I went to Outside Lands for three reasons:

To Experience:

To gain entry into the world of my twenty-something children and experience their passion for music from the inside. It was so special to see how by teaching and sharing his passion for music, my husband fueled the musical interests of our children. From the time they could talk, Craig would quiz them, share stories and play all kinds of music for them.

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Traveling With Our Adult Children, A New Adventure

A brilliant plan… I think. Inviting our adult children to join us on a vacation in Napa Valley and San Francisco takes quite a bit of planning. Four schedules to contend with and four strong opinions,(as well as enthusiasm) were all considered and a plan was created. The truth is that the kids and Craig truly …

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Three Ways to EAT: Food Markets in New York City

There is never a shortage of amazing food markets in New York City. Picking a favorite is like choosing which of your friends you like best..impossible! Just like with the number of friends, the more markets the better! When we travel, one of our favorite activities (besides eating) is to visit local and specialty markets in …

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The Parenting Wisdom of an “Older” Mom

parenting wisdom

  Yes, I went and did it, I used he “O” word. No, not “Oprah”…“Old”. Old seems like it would be a derogatory description, but honestly it doesn’t have to be, it can be a badge of honor. Parenting wisdom is attained through maturation, trial and error and countless other components. It is staggering what important parental …

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Enjoy the Simple Things ~ Dad’s Vegetable Garden

Do you have a vegetable garden? To witness the joy my father receives from creating and tending to his vegetable garden warms my heart. He spends time creating traps and concocting methods to out smart the varmints in the yard. The damn squirrels ate the cucumbers and the bunnies are nasty too. Dad and his wife …

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Don’t Miss the Surfing in Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Surfing in Tamarindo, Costa Rica! Lots of people do it and I highly recommend it, but not for us, we just watched… Craig and I are not surfers, however I wanted to tell you about this amazing surf spot in this quaint little kick back town. Rolling surf, warm temps, beautiful beaches, salty air, ice cold …

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A New Empty Nester Adventure: Filming an Infomercial

filming an infomercial

Our newest Empty Nester Adventure! Great news! It seems that empty nesters are quite popular and in demand. I was contacted by a Toronto production company to see if I was interested in testing and working with a product that would be a great fit with the lifestyle of an empty nester. As you may know, …

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What is on your Summer Reading List?

  So what is on your Summer Reading List? My reading habits go from voracious to non-existent. Partly because I get busy and partly because I will read a book that I don’t particularly like and it sours me on reading for the time being. However, then someone recommends a great book and I am off …

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