Happy New Year from The Rose Parade!

Happy New Year fellow Empty Nesters! I hope that you enjoyed your New Year’s festivities! On a typical New Year’s morning, I sit in front of the television at 8 am sharp. With latte in hand, I have watched the Tournament of Roses Parade every year, from the comfort of my couch. I truly enjoy …

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Napa Valley in the Fall

Visiting the Napa Valley in the Fall is quite a treat. We have rediscovered drinking wine…Craig and I are spending time learning about different California wines and wineries and determining which types are our favorites. In order to learn from the experts, we went to the Napa Valley in Northern California to discover just exactly …

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Empty Nesters get dogs…

Empty Nesters get dogs. Yep it is true. I know several Empty Nesters who have gotten dogs. I am one of them. I would not really consider us “dog people”. You know what I mean, people who don’t mind being jumped on and slobbered on. But after 5 1/2 months with Rocco, I think we …

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Blogging 101

I wanted to let you know how easy it is to write a blog post. 1. Write it like you are telling a story to a friend. 2. Enjoy the creative process when you tell your story. 3. Let your inner comedian/creative/philosopher/teacher/storyteller come to the surface! 4. Don’t worry about writing the next prize winning …

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The Adventure Begins…

Welcome! This is the place to learn about what is going on in the world of Empty Nesters! I was so curious about what was happening with other Empty Nesters that I created this site! What are you doing? Where are you going?  What are you reading, eating, cooking? How are you feeling now that …

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