When the kids move away some Empty Nesters get dogs.
When the kids are off at school and the nest is Empty, life slows way down, schedules change and the silence can be deafening. I no longer have carpools, school projects, volunteer hours, baseball games and practices, but I have traded those activities for puppy training, wet noses, scooping up dog poop, dog training, and extensive vacuuming. Additionally I am now bombarded with incredible comfort, loyalty, protection, love, kisses (the dog kind), joy and companionship.
Is our 15 month old dog Rocco a lot of work? OMG yes. Does he help fill in the gap that my kids have left? Absolutely. There are many nights when my husband Craig is traveling and it’s just me and Rocco. No phone ringing, no kids, no friends, just me and the sweetest most loving little guy ever. It took a while for me to adjust (and for him to grow up a bit), but now I know that it was the absolutely right decision. Rocco fills up the Empty Nest in the best way possible!

I have always had canine companions, and cannot imagine life without a dog or two!
We have not had dogs, so this is a new experience and therefore so much more of a change!
We must be twins. Ok, triplets as I have a twin already. I, too got an empty nester pup who is perfect in every way AND whom I also enrolled in agility training. The irony is that it was my daughter who wanted the dog, even though she was across the nation at college. And of course our pup is now a full “mom” dog. So barkalicious!
You and I (and your sister) must be triplets, Rocco was supposed to be my son’s dog – Rocco is 100% mine and LOVES me. My husband and son don’t understand why Rocco is so attached to me? I do everything, of course he is attached to me!
Your post also mimics my home these days. Empty nest..Bruin son..husband away on business … Loving the faithful companionship and love I receive from my pup:))
Do you live in So Cal? I think we need to hang out!
Rocco sounds like a sweetheart and a trusted companion 🙂
P.S. You look great, Suzanne – full of life and energy!
Awww, thank you Kim! I need to hear that! I spend a great deal of time on my health and fitness! I need it so I can go on more adventures!
Rocco looks like a real sweetie! We have a cat, who has a more demanding schedule than either of our kids ever had! I am looking forward to one day having another dog, but presently JoeyKatt will have to do.
It sounds like JoeyKatt serves the same purpose as our Rocco!
Rocco looks like a different dog in that picture! That is amazing how much a dog can grow and change in just a year! My parents have yet to be empty nesters (siblings have come and gone), but I think they may get a dog after we all leave 🙂
I’m not an empty nester but you asked how my dogs changed my life…
Well, I couldn’t imagine my life without them.
I have PTSD, and even although my boy has never been trained as a support animal, he knows exactly when it’s time to gently bring me back if I happened to zone out.
Also, working from home would be simply unbearable without their presence.
I completely agree with you. My Rocco is also intuitive like that!
great pics 🙂 thanks for your post
Your blog also echoes my current home. An empty nest..Bruin son..husband off on business … I am enjoying the loyal companionship and love I get from my dog..
We have a lot in common!