New Family Adventures!
Since travel adventures are not currently a top priority, family adventures are just about all the adventures we can create. Some of us see our families often, while others have not been together since March or before. This lack of family interaction is heartbreaking, and uncertainty is commonplace.
In a million years, I never thought that I would not be writing about my exciting global travels and only focusing so close to home. I was in Japan just one year ago, and I still dream about travel. I have taken several trips during COVID between Washington and California. You can click HERE to read about my experiences.
A quick recap
If you are new here, you should know that because of the restrictions of COVID, my husband and I sold our little Spanish empty nest and chose to move to the Pacific Northwest, to Kirkland, Washington, 30 minutes east of Seattle.
We made this hard decision to be closer to our new twin grandchildren James and Josephine. The hassle of COVID quarantines made seeing them nearly impossible. We just wanted the ability to drive over and see them as opposed to getting on a flight.
Four Generations, Oh My!

Today the twins are three months old, and my mother, the eldest of four generations, is flying here to meet them for the first time. She and her husband’s safety is a top priority, so as a family, we have been carefully living in quarantine, and they are taking every precaution as well.
Feels like Christmas

I must say it feels a little like Christmas morning for me today. Craig and I have been busily preparing our new house and continually unloading boxes to provide a fantastic welcome and comfortable stay for Mom and Step-Dad.
Our house has been in constant motion with new paint inside and a lot of furniture buying, organizing, and exerting every bit of extra energy we have to make this contemporary home feel homey.
After all of my downsizing proclamations, we ended up buying an enormous house, over twice the size of the one we moved from in Pasadena. Not to be showy, but to provide the space needed for our family and friends to come to visit!
Also, I fell in love with the extraordinary vistas of Lake Washington. We have never owned a home with a view and couldn’t believe our luck!

Twins viewing schedule

We have scheduled five days of visiting babies, holding babies, and looking at babies for Great Grandma Linda and Great Grandpa Gus. We think their nicknames are GG Linda and G-Pa, but they have never met the babies, so time will tell.

Even before our daughter was married, my mother has longed for another generation to love. She was never pushy; she silently wished and prayed her granddaughter would find the right guy and have a baby! Just imagine, four generations! Not every family is blessed with this possibility!
She was granted her wish three months ago plus a bonus baby! Who knew that Alex would have twins, no one around here that is for sure.
Here on the blog, I write about our family’s adventures, exciting travel destinations, and the empty nest, but today is especially dear because it will be another first. The first time my side of four generations will meet. My mother always dreamed of four generations of women in one photo; today is her day.
We, of course, love our other twin, James! Please understand, it’s just one of those unique circumstances as it would be if James had a paternal great grandfather still living.
Our family is growing; with our son getting married to Kylie and the twin’s arrival, there is more love growing and multiplying.
My thoughts on the day after they left

Every day was a success! Many photos were taken, and there was lots of baby holding. Alex even invited us over for bath time! My mom just wanted any experience where she could participate!

Alex, Brent, and the babies came over for dinner a couple of times. They timed their arrival around their five o’clock feeding, and there were plenty of arms to hold them afterward. It never felt chaotic or rushed. I am so proud of the parental intuition that these new parents are exhibiting!

I must also share that Brent’s sister Kaleigh left her teaching position in Honduras to move in with them and help with the babies. They are quite the trio, and Kaleigh has been heaven sent!

It has only been three months, but these little mugwumps have stolen the hearts of all of us and many who are watching from social media.

The joy seekers will find joy in watching these new tiny little lives blossom and grow with each passing day.
More photos from our 5 days together!

If you want to follow along, check out Alex’s Instagram account for almost daily entertaining updates here => @stavey_baby
You can find me and my daily social media inspirations here => @suzannestavert & @adventuresofemptynesters
It’s wonderful how you are transitioning your blog💗
Love all these pictures Suzanne!
Thanks so much Debbie! I will report on all adventures!
Ohh… fun projects! I LOVED your four-generation pics AND that art work. Having someone help hang things like that is a HUGE help.
Thank you Sara!
I feel the love of four generations! Such precious memories y’all are making, from the babies to the great grands. I am G. G. to my two grandchildren and my husband their grandfather was to be G’pa, well G’pa became P’ta🥰and you answer to whatever they call you. But when you put P’ta on a personalized license plate, it becomes PTA and everyone asks, what association do you have with the Parent Teacher Association? Such is life!
That is hilarious! Not everyone can figure out those clever plates! Who knew this phase in our life would be so exciting!
I’m so happy you all have been able to be together during these times! Four generations, what a blessing!
Thank you Tam – Not every family is blessed with four!
Hey, Suzanne, it’s me Sue T. stopping by to say hello! Love the pictures! Mom, Dianne sent me a few your mom sent her, glad we can all stay in touch. Hope you like the Northwest, looks like you have a very nice view from your house. Maybe we can visit sometime in the future! In the meantime, I’ll be checking your blog now and then to see what you guys are up to. Take care and be safe. Love from all of us, Sue
Hi Sue! Great to hear from you. Yes, we took the plunge and made it to the PNW! I appreciate you leaving a comment and I hope your family is well too!