The Arrival of Spring in New York – Or did we just skip straight to Summer?

Spring in New York
Spring in New York
Park Avenue


Here’s one more adventure to share from our recent trip to New York City.

Spring in New York – Was it ever going to arrive?

It was late April, surely it was time for the arrival of Spring in New York? Right? The weather has been so strange this year. For most of the country and my friends in the Mid West and in the East the temps were still extremely chilly and they even endured a recent snowstorm. Ridiculous!

While on my recent trip to Nebraska in late April it was freezing cold and there was snow on the ground. What? When I agreed to attend an ecotourism conference in Kearney, Nebraska did I ever imagine it would be this frigid! Ha, joke’s on me! And there’s more…

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A Walk Through Central Park in September


It was September and still very warm in New York City. The day prior, we spent a memorable 10 hours at the US Open and endured some heavy rainfall and high humidity. We woke up Sunday morning to powder blue skies and lush green trees and everyone was headed to Central Park. It still felt like summer and the leaves had not started to turn quite yet.

Central Park is beautiful any day, any season in my opinion. Blooming spring flower gardens, hot humid summers, fall trees, profuse with color and even charcoal grey days in November make me happy. In November in The Park, I have witnessed spooky trees with gnarly branches and no leaves, but I still think it is one of the prettiest parks ever.

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