In honor of Throwback Thursday – we are celebrating our first date on 3/13, which is tomorrow!
We are leaving for Maui on Thursday morning and I will not have time to post in the morning for Throwback Thursday, so I am doing it today! When we planned this trip we were fairly intentional planning to leave on the 13th. Another interesting fact is that we are using miles to purchase the airline tickets and it is easier to get the flight you want on the 13th of the month. People have such a fear of that number! It is even easier to get a flight on Friday the 13th! I am serious! We have done that many times.
Our First Date
Craig and I had our first date on March 13, 1977 (my gosh that was a long time ago…) We went to a backyard party to see a band called Fracture. I think we paid a dollar to get in. How cute were we? Me and my summer cotton dress and sensible sandals and Craig, my rock and roll dreamboat. Look at the long hair! Fast forward 37 years, two grown kids and 30 years of marriage = A FAIRYTALE LIFE. We are so fortunate and look forward to 30 more years!

We are flying to Maui for a week and will be starting the 30th Wedding Anniversary Tour. Our actual wedding date is October 20th, but we are starting the merrymaking tomorrow.
Rock bands have anniversary tours, why can’t we have a 30th wedding anniversary tour? I don’t see why not!
Seriously, this is quite a milestone and we will be celebrating throughout the year! We have the time now because we are…Empty Nesters! Without the obligations of baseball games and school commitments, we can make plans and be flexible. When your kids are in school, there is no such thing as spontaneity. Our son Nick played baseball from elementary school until he decided he was tired of having no free time and no ability to travel in the summer. We suffered from the same constraints, but now… we don’t!
We are traveling to Kaanapali Beach on the island of Maui for two nights and visiting some of our favorite spots. I have made reservations for a couple of incredible restaurants for dinner. On Saturday, we head south to stay for five days in a brand new hotel called The Andaz Maui at Wailea. We plan to eat, drink, relax, go to the spa and we even are taking stand up paddle boarding lessons. (There’s a blog post waiting to happen!) I have a new GoPro waterproof camera and I will be able to film the hilarity and ineptitude!
Just saw this! So adorable. Love you guys!
Thank you! We love you too!
I’m following your template and I’m celebrating my 60th birthday all this year with lots of travel — why not? We did the same thing you are for our 30th anniversary. Whatever nice thing we did for ourselves, we justified by saying it was part of our 30th year anniversary celebration. (The question is — Why did we feel like we had to justify anything? Maybe because we were raised by the Greatest Generation.)
Thank you Suzanne for your insightful comments. I think what I was trying to convey is that you should aim for always telling the Truth. I am not a fan of liars and if you are taught early, lying isn’t the first thing you do when in a difficult situation.
Seriously, no need to justify anything. These milestones should be celebrated! Congratulations on your 60th Birthday as well! I look forward to reading all about your “adventures” Please share them here on my blog anytime you like!